Genji/Quotes/Overwatch 1 (2024)

TriggerQuoteAudioHero Selected

Mi o sutete mo, myōri wa sutezu.

Kanji: 身を捨てても、名利は捨てず。
English: Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor. / You can abandon your body, but never let go of your honor.

Negaeba heiwa wa otozure yo.

Kanji: 願えば 平和 は 訪れよ。
English: Peace returns to those that wish for it.

Genji/Quotes/Overwatch 1 (1)During Set Up

Shi no nioi ka? Yoshi! Itsu demo koi.

Kanji: 死の匂いか? よし! いつでも来い。
English: Can you smell death? All right! Come whenever.

Waga kokoro meikyōshisui.

Kanji: 我が心明鏡止水。
English: My mind is as clear as a stainless mirror.

Rin. Byō. Tō. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen.

Kanji: 臨兵闘者皆陣列在前
English: (Literal) Preside. Warriors. Fight. Person. Altogether. Formation. Align. At. Front. (Nine Syllables of the Japanese Kuji-In)
Actual meaning: Presiding warriors and fighting personnel, all align your formation up front.

Empty your mind. Focus on the task at hand.Hitoshirezu kami no yurushi o machi shima ni, kokora tsure naki yo o sugusu ka na.

Kanji: 人知れず神の許しを待ちし間に ここらつれなき世を過ぐすかな
English: While I wait for God's forgiveness unnoticed, many are the years of pain I have endured.

Match StartsIku zo!

Kanji: 行くぞ

English: Let's go!

RespawnAgain!I return to the fight.I will not falter.I will not waste this chance.Let us hope for a different outcome.

Waga tamashī wa mada moete oru.

Kanji: 我が魂は まだ燃えておる。
English: My soul still burns.

Mō issen negaō.

Kanji: もう一戦願おう。
English: Let's hope for a better round.

Tatakai wa owaran.

Kanji: 戦いは終わらん。
English: The battle is not over.

Respawn (no allies)Pick Up Health PackAhh... much better.I am healed.I am repaired.▶️On FireI'm on fire!▶️My warrior spirit burns.Damage BoostedThe advantage is mine.My spirit grows strong.I will not waste this chance.

Waga kokoro wa ryū no kokoro.

Kanji: 我が心は竜の心。
English: My heart is a dragon's heart.

Seishin tōitsu!

Kanji: 精神統一!
English: A unified spirit!

Nano-boostedStrength flows through me!

Chikara ga minagitte kuru!

Kanji: 力がみなぎってくる
English: My strength is overflowing!

I am unstoppable!▶️Discord Orb Received


Kanji: 糞!
English: sh*t!

Damn.Voted Epic (5 Votes)


Kanji: 良し!
English: Okay!

Most enjoyable.Voted Legendary (10 Votes)It was nothing!It is an honor.StunnedEnemy ResurrectionOur enemies return.ResurrectedYou've rescued me again, Doctor Ziegler!
TriggerQuoteAudioPoint Contested (Defense)Point Being Captured (Defense)Our point is under attack. Let us welcome our guests.Our point is under attack. Let us rid ourselves of these unwanted guests.We are losing the objective! Push them back.Our enemies have the upper hand for now. Let us turn the tables.The objective is under attack.Capturing PointI am taking the objective. Join me.The objective is mine. Be quick about it.We must press our advantage and seize victory.Point LostPayload StuckThe payload is stopped. And here I thought we had a plan.Escorting Payload (Attack)Push the payload.Push forward.The payload moves. We must keep it safe.Keep the payload in motion.Payload Moving (Defense)Stop the payload.The payload is moving; stop it.We need to stop the payload. Converge upon it.
TriggerQuoteAudioFinal BlowAn excellent fight.Like cutting through silk.Know yourself in the face of death.Think upon your actions.We will fight again!

Ningen nado, toruni taranwa.

Kanji: 人間など、取るに足らんわ
English: You’re only human.

Kono teido ka.

Kanji: この程度か。
English: You amount to little.

Ore wa kaze da!

Kanji: 俺は風だ!
English: I am the wind!


Kanji: 良し!
English: Okay!


Kanji: かまいたち!
English: Whirlwind slice!

Kamaitachi are Japanese yōkai resembling weasels, said to ride wind currents and slash people with bladed claws or sickles. In practice the phrase describes an individual being sliced by a sudden and unseen force.

Kaze yo.

Kanji: 風よ。
English: The wind.

Oitsukeru kana?

Kanji: 追いつけるかな?
English: Can you keep up?

Owari ni shi-te aru

Kanji: 終わりにしてある
English: To the end. (or) I'll finish this.

(vs Hanzo) I am victorious this time, brother.(vs Reaper) Mock death at your own peril.(vs Zenyatta) I have the upper hand this time, Master.MultikillMy aim is unerring.▶️

Senri no michi mo, hito ashi zutsu hakobunari.

Kanji: 千里の道も、一足ずつ運ぶなり
English: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Turret EliminationEnemy turret destroyed.Teleporter EliminationEnemy teleporter destroyed.The enemy teleporter is no longer our concern.Melee Final Blow

Hah. Aho ga!

Kanji: はっ。アホが!
English: Ha. You fool!

I learned that from my brother.Witness Elimination


Kanji: 見事
English: Brilliant!

Witness Teammate EliminatedHonor the fallen.▶️Regrettable.▶️


Kanji: クソ!
English: Damn.


Kanji: クッ!
English: Damn!

Kessh*te hirumu na yo.

Kanji: 決してひるむなよ.
English: Do not falter.

Tajirogudenai zo.

Kanji: たじろぐでないぞ.
English: Don't falter.

Yara reta ka.

Kanji: やられたか.
English: Unfortunate.

(Friendly Hanzo is eliminated) I will avenge you, brother.(Friendly Mercy is eliminated) Angela!(Friendly Tracer is eliminated) Tracer!(Friendly Winston is eliminated) Winston!(Friendly Zenyatta is eliminated) Master!Revenge

Hito o norowaba ana suru.

Kanji: 人を呪わば穴二つ.
English: If you wish ill upon someone, it will fall upon you.

Team Kill
AvailabilityQuoteAudioDefaultA steady blade balances the soul.▶️25Come on!


Kanji: 糞!
English: Damn!


Kanji: 覚悟!
English: I am prepared!

Iza jinjō ni shōbu!

Kanji: いざ尋常に勝負!
English: Let's fight fairly!

Measure twice, cut once.

Waga tamashī wa kinkō o motomeru.

Kanji: 我が魂は均衡を求める。
English: My soul seeks balance.


Waga tamashī wa f*ckushu o motomeru.

Kanji: 我が魂は復讐を求める。
English: My Soul seeks vengeance.

Mada mada!

Kanji: まだまだ!
English: Not good enough!

Hah! Simple.


Kanji: 良し!
English: Okay!

You are only human.▶️Summer Games (2016) Exclusive 25I was hoping for a challenge.▶️Summer Games (2017) Exclusive 75Touché.Halloween Terror (2016)

Exclusive 75

My Halloween costume? Cyborg ninja.Halloween Terror (2017)

Exclusive 75

Yoi harōin wo!

Kanji: 良いハロウィンを。
English: Happy Halloween.

Winter Wonderland (2016) Exclusive 25

Merī kurisumasu!

Kanji: メリークリスマス。
English: Merry Christmas!

▶️Winter Wonderland (2017) Exclusive 75Count your blessings.Lunar New Year (2017) Exclusive 25To know yourself is to be at peace.Lunar New Year (2018) Exclusive 75All bark, no bite.Overwatch Archives (2017)

Exclusive 25


Kanji: 替え玉!
English: Another serving! (of ramen noodles)

Life and death balance on the edge of my blade.▶️Overwatch Archives (2018)

Exclusive 75

Your eyes deceive you.Overwatch Anniversary (2017) Exclusive 25I'm not impressed.You seem nice. I hate to kill you.Overwatch Anniversary (2018) Exclusive 75You need healing.Overwatch Anniversary

(2019) Exclusive 75

The sword is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
  • Ana: Staying out of trouble, Genji?
  • Genji: *soft chuckle* On my best behaviour, captain.
  • Genji: I know what it is to leave behind a past you are not proud of.
  • Baptiste: So let's focus on the future, hmm?
  • Brigitte: Genji, how come you hide your face?
  • Genji: Because I do not [want] people to fear me... or pity me.
  • Brigitte: Genji, how about a quick sparring session?
  • Genji: You're on! Show me what you've been working on.
  • Cassidy: You might be fast, Genji, but you ain't faster than a bullet.
  • Genji: Why don't we find out?
  • Cassidy: Genji, how'd you ever get used to... You know... It was hard enough for me and it was just the one arm.
  • Genji: It was a long and difficult road, but now, I feel at ease in my own body.
  • Genji: (on Route 66) Why have you come back to this place, Cassidy?
  • Cassidy: The only thing it ever is... Unfinished business, and unhappy history.
  • Cassidy: How'd a guy like you get a nickname like "Sparrow" anyways?
  • Genji: My father Sojiro called me that as an insult. I've grown to like it.

(In Hanamura Arcade)

  • D.Va: Genji, I heard you used to have all the high scores here!
  • Genji: That's right! Wait, used to? Hey, where did they all go?!
  • Genji: Doomfist, you are truly a worthy foe.
  • Doomfist: If we fight again, I can't promise you'll walk away this time.
  • Genji: Nor can I.
  • Genji: It is not too late to change your course, brother.
  • Hanzo: You may call yourself my brother, but you are not the Genji I knew.


  • Hanzo: You are mistaken, brother. I am beyond redemption.


  • Genji: So this is what has become of you? A pity.
  • Hanzo: I will not be judged by you.
  • Genji: What's wrong, Hanzo? Don't you recognize me?
  • Hanzo: You may call yourself my brother, but you are not the Genji I knew.
  • Hanzo: Together we could've built an empire.
  • Genji: That was your dream. Not mine.
  • Hanzo: You will never amount to anything!
  • Genji: We shall see, brother.


  • Hanzo: Think you can do better than me?
  • Genji: I am certain of it.
  • Hanzo: I do not fear death.
  • Genji: No, you find living the challenge.
  • Genji: What would our father think of what we've become, brother?
  • Hanzo: It's hard to say who he'd be more disappointed by.
  • Lúcio: Hey Genji, how bout I hook up your lights to my music?
  • Genji: That is not what they are for.


  • Genji: *Sighs* Just this one time.
  • Mercy: You seem well, Genji.
  • Genji: I am a different man now. I am whole.
  • Genji: Angela, what did you wish for on your tanzaku?
  • Mercy: If I tell you... Does it mean it won't come true?
  • Genji: This reminds me of our time on base in Switzerland.
  • Mercy: You were the only one who stayed up so late. I enjoyed our conversations.

(Valentine's Day/White Day)

  • Mercy (on Hanamura): I got you some chocolates, Genji. Swiss, they're the best!
  • Genji: Thank you, Angela. Perhaps you could share them with me?
  • Genji (on Hanamura): Angela, I have some chocolates for you. ...Not Swiss.
  • Mercy: *sigh* I suppose it will have to do. Thank you, Genji.
  • Moira: Much more talkative now, aren't you, Genji?
  • Genji: I find the company more agreeable these days.


  • Moira: I always thought you would understand better than most the duality of human existence.
  • Genji: I am at peace with it. I suspect you will be forever unsatisfied.
  • Sombra: You wouldn't believe what I learned about you, Sparrow.
  • Genji: I am at peace with who I was. Your threat does not concern me.
  • Genji: What is it like to have the chance to change the past?
  • Tracer: Sometimes it doesn't want to change.
  • Genji: Do not blame yourself for Mondatta's death. It was not your fault.
  • Tracer: You don't understand Genji, I could have saved him. Maybe the world would have been better off if it had been me instead of him.
  • Winston: Genji, this is just like old times.
  • Genji: Our paths cross for now. As to the future, we shall see.
  • Genji: I always liked working with you, Winston. No awkward small talk.
  • Winston: Always liked working with you, too. You have a... great sense of humor!
  • Zarya: How do I trust a man who is half machine?
  • Genji: The heart of a man still beats inside of me.
  • Genji: How can I convince you that I am still a man?
  • Zarya: I know what you are. I am only sorry that you do not.
  • Genji: (on King's Row) Does the suffering of the omnics here trouble you, Master?
  • Zenyatta: It does. My brother, Mondatta, gave much to improve their lives, but it was not to be.
  • Zenyatta: It is good to fight alongside one of my brightest pupils.
  • Genji: And you, master.


  • Genji: I am grateful to be here, my master.

(With Sentai, Oni, or Young skins, on Nepal)

  • Genji: That was another life.


  • Zenyatta: How was your reunion with your brother?
  • Genji: He's still not ready for time to flow forwards again.

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.

Genji/Quotes/Overwatch 1 (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.